Our Three Cornerstones
In close cooperation with our clients we manage large domain name portfolios, launch new gTLDs, monitor and take down infringing content on the Internet.

Domain Name
Competition is in the details.

Online Brand
Results Delivered – Not just problems presented.

Let us help you apply for your own gTLD.
Your Brand Protected Online
Dozens of big customers trust us and rely on our professionalism.
Want to know more about how we work with Online Brand Protection?

Contact us for a Brand Protection Report
Experts Memberships

We are represented in INTA in the Anti-counterfeiting and Internet committees and seek to contribute to the implementation best practices within online Right Protection Mechanisms. We have presented at annual meetings on Social Media Right Protection Mechanisms, at Webinars on IDNs and the Trademark clearinghouse as have we contributed to the INTA Bulletin on new gTLD related issues.

We are members of the Intellectual Property Constituency at ICANN and seek to contribute to the policy making of ICANN by actively participating in ICANN meetings, working groups and by submitting public comments.

We are members of Marques and active in the China Team and benefit from sharing knowledge on Online Brand Protection strategies with other service providers and with large international brands . We were proud to be given the opportunity to give the opening keynote speak at the annual conference in Copenhagen, September 2014.